The ESP Charitable Foundation giving program is designed to respect the diversity of our community. We are actively involved in our community, partnering with local nonprofits to meet specific needs within the community.
Within our funding guidelines, we consider grant requests without regard to race, gender, disability, religion, ethnicity, age or sexual orientation. While the ESP Charitable Foundation generously funds many nonprofit organizations in our communities, it is impossible to fund every request received.
Through the ESP Charitable Foundation, we support organizations and programs that advance the funding priorities described under the “Types of Support” section below and that are located in a community with an ESP location.
We consider unrestricted general operating support requests from organizations that:
• deliver effective programs with measurable outcomes in response to community needs
• are financially stable
• receive and provide strong leadership collaborate to maximize effectiveness
• involve constituents in planning
We consider requests to support programs that are highly effective or innovative and do not duplicate other programs or services.
We consider a small number of requests for capital support from organizations that meet all other funding criteria and with which we have a pre-existing relationship. We do not make lead gifts, and grants generally do not exceed one percent of the campaign contribution goal.
ESP provides occasional in-kind contributions of miscellaneous office equipment and property when available. For information about available items, contact the charitable contributions contact.
ESP is committed to working in partnership with our employees to strengthen the community. We consider employee involvement in evaluating contribution requests, and we support volunteer involvement programs for employees in our communities.